

Best Answer

1) Find out the year, make and model of your car. The VIN number is a good place to start for this. It's usually on the dash, visible through the windshield.

2) Find out if the motor is one of the stock options, or something swapped in. To do this, you will have to become familiar with the basic configurations offered for that chassis. Not too hard- most chassis only had a couple possible stock motors, and more than likely your motor is one of them.

3) If it's not stock, try to find some identifying badges, or otherwise ID the thing. If it's really exotic, take pictures and seek help on forums.

4) If it's a stock motor, you should be able to find out where to look for its serial numbers, which will tell you exactly what it is, so that you can look it up in an appropriate manual and find the displacement, among other things.

5) If you get stuck, try to find an online forum for your car. Search Google for it. Like, if you have a 1979 AMC Gremlin, just type "1979 AMC Gremlin forum" into Google and see what leads you get.*

Good luck!

*10 points to everybody who said "Wait a minute! In 1979 the Gremlin became the Spirit!"

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