There are many steps that can be taken in order to find an insurance policy. If you have the original paperwork from the insurance policy, this is the best thing. If you do not have the paperwork and have not been able to retrieve it, you can call the company you believe the policy may have been written from. If you do not know the exact company, calling around would be the next best thing. If a policy is in place these steps should help you find it. If you can not find it, it doesn't mean one doesn't exist, so don't give up until you have exhausted all resources.
There are many different kinds of insurance policies. Read the policy and find out what the terms of the policy are.
Contact the company
I have an old insurance policy dating back to 1948 is it still good
Contact the vendor of the insurance policy. There will be an address on the policy, and if the address is no longer valid search for the company name in Google.
There are several companies with similar names. Please provide the exact name from the insurance policy.
the answer is how old your card is.
If you owned the policy issued by the Hartford, simply contact that company for a copy of it. If they are unable to find any record in their database, then you're out of luck and the policy is likely not inforce.
You can contact the insurance company for a status paper of the policy to find out whether the policy was paid out or not.
An old insurance policy or the insurance company you had it insured with should have it on file.
How do I find out who has my policy I had with Commercial State Life INsurance Company
Sometimes check with your insurance company and find out their policy
The insurance policy is from Prudential and from the state of Indiana.