Remove the rear seat and go into the trunk that way use a screwdriver to turn the lock from the inside...
I haven't seen a truck release for my 96 Ciera. I think you will have to go by the key itself.
How to replace computer box on a 1996 oldsmobile silouethe
Where is the Knock Sensor located on a 1996 Oldsmobile Aurora?
Where is the starter relay located on the 1996 Oldsmobile 88?
where is the brake light switch for 1996 Oldsmobile cutlas supreme
get into the passenger part of the car and then remove the rear seats or call the AA
what fuses are found in trunk 1996 cad eldro
trunk light is located in the trunk
Are there any major differances between a 1996 and 1997 Oldsmobile Aurora
What are the torque specificatons for a 1996 v6 3.1 head on an oldsmobile achieva
in the trunk
The 1996 Oldsmobile Achieva takes 19" replacement windshield wipers on both sides front.