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In Virginia (and in most, if not all, states) there is an insurance bureau ( to which you can file a complaint if you feel your claim was wrongly denied. Theoretically, they provide some regulation of the insurance industry and protect consumers to some extent.

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Q: How can you appeal after a car insurance company has denied your claim?
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Filing claim pre existing conditions for appeal?

Many insurance companies will denial claims for pre-existing conditions. You have a right to appeal all claims. You should call your company first to see why the clam was denied.

What if your workmen's comp claim is denied?

If you claim is denied, you can try and appeal it. You will only be given workmen's comp is the injury happened on the job.

How do you appeal when the car insurance company finds you at fault and you are not?

Please give me more information, and I'm sure I can help. Facts of loss? Exact reason they denied your claim? They must give you the reason that your claim was denied, or that you were found neglient. You can file with your company then they can arbitrate the claim for a decision, you can contact the dept of insurance for your state. You can file suit (small claims if under the limit), if you secure a judgment against their insured they will have to pay, (barring any appeals of course), but need to know the reason for denial, to be of real help to you.

Can you get your insurance company to look back and reevaluate a claim they denied years ago?

You may be able to but it isn't very likely.

What can you do when your homeowners insurance company does not pay on a burglary claim?

It depends on why they didn't pay the claim. If you have the coverage and followed the requirements, like making a police report, cooperating with the insurance company as well as the police then you should have no problem with a claim, if it was in fact a theft. Otherwise you can always sue the company or file a complaint with your state department of insurance if you feel you were denied coverage you paid for.

IF Patient primary insurance denied claim because provider is not contracted with them will secondary insurance pay on the claim?


Do i have to tell my insurance company about Second Life?

When applying for life insurance you need to always answer the applications correctly and honestly or a claim may be denied. If you purchase new life insurance you do not need to go back to your already in force insurance company and advise them.

What effect does a claim has on insurance company?

A claim is a liability on part of the insurance company. If a customer makes a claim it means that the insurance company has to pay the customer for the amount is eligible to claim and hence it is a expenditure on the balance sheets of the insurance company.

What do you do when your insurance company denies your stolen car claim and drops you?

If they denied that claim for cause, such as fraud, then there is nothing you can do. If they did not have cause, you can try contacting the department of insurance in your state. That is of course, as long as you had comphrensive coverage on the policy. If you did not have coverage, they do not have to pay for anything.

Can an ex spouse who is the beneficiary on a life insurance policy have the claim denied in new york state?

Under normal circumstances, no. A life insurance company will pay the proceeds to the named beneficiary.

Can you claim accidental death benefits with an unknown cause of death?

It may be challenging to claim accidental death benefits with an unknown cause of death since the circumstances cannot be clearly defined as accidental. Insurance companies typically require a clear cause of death to process a claim. You may need to provide additional evidence or documentation to support your claim.

With Primary and Secondary Insurance your primary denied your claim because it was over a year is your secondary obligated to pay?

Yes, subject to the limits in their policy. No. With most insurance policies, there is what is called a timely filing limitation. For my company; contracted providers have 6 months, and non-contracted providers have 12 months to submit the claim. If your primary insurance received the claim within timely filing, you may have the option of submitting the claim to your secondary with proof that it was filed in a timely manner. If that doesn't work you can always appeal the decision with the secondary or for that matter the primary insurance company. Policy holders are not responsible for claims that deny for timely filing.