I am a mom of a 41 year old son with ADHD, just approved for ssi, meaning he is disabled but does not have sufficient work quarters to qualify for ssd. Not surprising for an ADHD adult outcome.
He thinks his friends are helping when they find him jobs to do. They had him working on taking two different cars apart and making one. And borrowing money from his mom to do it. He doesn't realize he is going to find ssi deducting the money from his odd jobs. You cannot find a non working car and spend $$ making it work. The only thing you are doing is stopping your ssi.
The only option is to live with a parent who has a car and drive theirs. Or live in subsidized housing and have a local car lot that will sell you a driveable care for about $100 a month. I do not know if that is possible.
I'm on ssi and havent been able to get one and my credit score is 750. I was told to that I had A good chance trying A in house financing lot (buy here pay here)
can i file for my tithes if i am on ssi
if a person get married before you collect from your dead husband ssi age 60 can you still get his ssi
Your mortgage lender can answer this question for you.
There is no time limit to purchase a car after closing on a house. As long as the lender for the car agrees to a loan or a person pays in cash, a person can buy a car whenever they choose.
Resources you ownWe do not count everything you own when deciding if you can get SSI. For example, we do not count the home you live in and some of your personal belongings. Usually, we do not count your car. Resources we count:Cash;Bank accounts, stocks, U.S. Savings Bonds;Real estate;Life insurance; andPersonal property.You may be able to get SSI if your resources that we count are no more than:$2,000 for one person; and\$3,000 for a couple.
If SSI is the only income that you and your spouse, if married, receive then you will not be required to file an income tax return for the Federal Government.
the person who buy the car will pay
Really depends on the person which are buying the car, I am a young active person so i would buy a standard/sports car, where's an old businessman would go for a luxury car.
My calculations read to what the heck
Your mortgage lender will help you qualify, regardless of the type of real estate you want to buy.