How can I fight a wage garnishment for a car repo that was purchase in the year 2000
If you signed the wage garnishment yes
The "penalty" is a repo on your CR.,higher interest rates on future loans, and a possible judgement/wage garnishment against you. A repo is a repo is a repo in credit files.
Can I appeal a wage garnishment in Md
Only a court can lower wage garnishment; write a letter to the court that imposed your wage garnishment.
You can check if your wage garnishment has been satisfied by contacting the creditor or the court that issued the garnishment order. They can provide you with information on the remaining balance, if any, and confirm if the garnishment has been fully paid off. Additionally, you can review your pay stubs to see if any wage deductions related to the garnishment are still being made.
PAY the judgement.
Check out, they have a great guide on how to stop wage garnishment. Yahoo answers has a good thread on stopping wage garnishment. That should point you in the right direction.
Yes, a judgment creditor can execute the judgment as a wage garnishment.
The garnishment wount. But what led upto the garnishment may.
How do I stop a wage garnishment that was ordered in Missouri but I live in Texas?
To get a wage garnishment lowered, one may file a claim of exemption. There are state laws that provide various protections that one may claim to reduce a garnishment.