Whatever size the customer orders. Sleeper berth line haul tractors can have two 150 gallon tanks for a total of 300 gallons. 240 gallons is more common. A smaller truck might have a 50 gallon tank.
It comes with whatever sized tanks the orignal purchaser ordered it with.
I have a '00 s10 blazer 4 door 4x4 and i have about a 20 gal tank. yours might be about the same size.
you can put your head inside. or better yet your baby brother.
2008 Pontiac G5 fuel tank is 13 gallons
depends on how big the tank is
In Vietnam the US Army's M48A3 Patton tank held approximately 300 gallons of diesel fuel.
one fuel tank is 14 gallons and other fuel tank is 16 gallons
The 2009 Yamaha ttr 125 has a 1.6 gallon fuel tank.
i on't have a 99 but it should be in the same place as most late model chevy's--driver side, inside the frame rail, inline with the fuel filler. get under the truck and take a look. you can't miss it. its a big gas tank looking thing with a big filler neck hose connected.
It's big! About 6,000 gallons!!
The tank holds 15 gallons.