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I believe they are seven inches, but i could be wrong. either way, the tires are expensive.

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Q: How big are smart car tires?
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Related questions

Where can you buy tires for your smart car?

Smart Car dealer or anyplace that sells tires can advise you on where to get the correct tire.

What size are smart car tires?

P155/60TR15.0BSW AS front tires 175/55 rear tires

Choosing the Smart Car?

Before buying a Smart car, it is important that you consider functionality. If you have a big family or tend to do a lot of shopping, the smart car may not be big enough. Though it is good on fuel, the smart car isn't practical for everyone. You should test drive the Smart car to make sure it can accommodate your needs.

Are snow tires a must in a smart car in new jersey?

You don't need them but it's better if you do.

Are SUV tires more expensive than car tires?

SUV tires do cost more than car tires. There is more material used in the bigger SUV tires. Keep an eye out in the newspaper, sometimes you can find a sale on tires at places like Big O Tires.

How big is the size of a blue whales heart?

smart car

How many car tires can you fit in a trailer?

depends hob big the trailer is

How much does it cost to replace all four car tires?

It depends on the type of tires you want & the place you are getting them done. They are pretty expensive though. 4 tires on a big truck with normal non expensive tires but just because they are big is $712.

What cars have 12 inch wheels?

a smart car has 12 inch tires in the front and 12and 3 qutar inch in the back

What are the best makes of big tyres?

Michelin and big stone make very excellent big tires! It all depends on what kind of car or truck you need them for. You can also check out the site for more information and help.

When turning right or left right tire seems to rub?

Tires may be too big for your car.

Can having 2 different size tires cause the car to shake?

No, not less one of the tires is out of balance. But it is never, ever, a good idea to have two different size tires on the same axle. This is a big no-no.