if you pull back each wheel well there is a 7mm screw on each side, remove both of them and also remove the front grill by removing the black clips from the cover directly above the grill. once all of those parts are removed the bumper should pop out of the fenders and be eaasily removed.
Hood, headlights, front fenders, bumpers. Chrome strip on the back. There's also some minor differences in the interior materials.
Well I guess with major modifications, you could but, they won't fit.
The difference between a 89 and 92 are the front bumpers. The only difference between the two fenders would be if the car is a fastback or a coupe. If they are both fastbacks (and different years), there is no difference between the two.Correct Answerthe difference between the fenders is.... on the later generation of the s13 (91-94) 240sx is that the have plastic pieces clip into the front bumper other than that there is no difference not even between coupes or hatches
Front structural part between fenders. Radiator should be mounted to it.
automotive customizers, ie. www.4x4parts.com or directly from hannemann fibreglass in California USA
There is probably nod difference in the integrity of these bumpers. As long as the rubber(decorative) parts match yours.
no it will not. To fit 97-98 headlights onto a 95-96 240sx you will need these 97-98 240sx parts: headlights hood front fenders front bumper front grill maybe the front bumper support
They do not offer good rollover safety and are in general less fuel-efficient than ordinary cars. The ones with high bumpers cause more damage and injuries in crashes because the bumpers can hit a normal-height car in a vulnerable place such as a window or ride up over the bonnet (hood). Some of the more strangely-designed SUVs (Infinit FX45, Dodge Magnum, Nissan Murano) have very poor visibility and are more dangerous to drive for that reason as well.
I found that using Plastix, works on most of it. The rest, I use Son Of A Gun. I spray it on and let it sit for 5 minutes, then wipe. Hope this helps. The Son of A Gun only lasts for a few days though. You can get Plastix at any major retailer that has car products.
These one; Nissan 2.7 Coupe Nissan 2.7 Cabriolet Nissan 2.7 Hatchback Nissan 2.7 Pickup Truck Nissan 2.7 RocketShip Nissan 2.7 Motorbike
Nissan Maxima