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Oussama Aiche

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Q: How many things is in this world such as cars?
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Related questions

Is there cars in the world?

Yes , there are cars in the world. -They are those colorful, noisy things that whiz by you on the street.

How many businesses cars are there in the world?

how many businessescarsare there in the world

How many different types of cars are there in the world?

Ther are a lot of different types of cars in the many to list!

Is there a list of the best cars in the world?

There are many lists of the best cars in the world. Lists of the best cars in the world can be found on popular on the web sources such as Edmunds and Sports Cars Guru.

How many types of cars are in the world?

there are about 5,000 to 10,000 different cars out there.

How many plug-in cars are in the world?

There are alot of plug-in cars too many to count. (Yo).

How many of the people in the world have cars?

too many

How many cars are registered in the world?

There are over 750,000,000 registered cars (and counting)

What if there where no machines in the world How would the world be different?

-there wll be no buildings -and no houses -and no cars -and no things that are made with machines

How many classic cars in the world?


How many sports cars are there in the world?


How many cars are there in the world in 2007?
