Drowsy driving, driving with a fixed stare rather than moving your eyes, and driving on a straight road for an extended period of time.
Highway hypnosis
what is highway hypnosis
Highway hypnosis.
Highway hypnosis
This phrasing is used, as an example, in the Missouri Driver Guide. Highway hypnosis is caused by the sameness of the road and traffic. The hum of the wind, tires, and engine also adds to the hypnosis. On a written knowledge test for a driver's license you are likely to get a question about how to fight highway hypnosis. Keep your eyes moving, look at different things, and take regular breaks are some of the most common answers. Source: driversprep.com
highway hypnosis
Drowsy driving
Highway Hypnosis
See the related link below.
The driving situation in which your mind plays tricks on your body and makes you believe that you are almost stationary is called highway hypnosis. Highway hypnosis is also known as white line fever or driving without attention mode.
Hypnosis has a variety of benefits from treating depression to inducing relaxation! The only sleep related benefit to hypnosis is that it can stop habits such as bedwetting, and it can stop a person from being an insomniac.
Highway hypnosis can be very dangerous as it is easy to have a wreck which can cause injury or death of the operator and others that may be involved. Take breaks as needed, pull over and nap if you need to, break up long trips into a few days and stay in a hotel, get plenty of rest, switch drivers, there are many things you can do to prevent this from happening. For more information on hypnosis check out my blog, link is in my profile