Yes! They have! But it's only a concept and I doubt it will go on sale. Shame...
Sadly, there isn't any such thing as a flying car yet.
a flying car
What hasn't been invented is a flying car!
no not yet but thanks
I don't believe anyone has broken the sound barrier on land yet.
If anyone knew the answer to this, they would be incredibly stupid to post it on here.
It will still be the US, yet the technology will probably MUCH greater. By the year 2020 we should have some sort of flying car!
The first person to design the flying car was Glenn Curtiss, but his could only hop, not fly. Waldo Waterman was the first to build a flying car that actually flew. It first took to the sky on March 21, 1937.
It is a car that will do over 1000 mph and break the sound barrier it was also made by ssc the company that made the 1997 thrush ssc car that is currently the fastest car in the world but is yet to be beaten by the bloodhound.
have you seen any for sale?
Anyone plays games for fun. Sports are not made for exercise they were made for fun. And yet people dont know that.
Does anyone know the answer yet?