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Q: Guaranteed replacement cost in a homeowner's insurance policy means that the insurance company?
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Related questions

Is it illegal for a homeowners insurance company to drop you?

No, it is not illegal for a homeowners insurance company to drop you. But they have to follow the rules for cancellations and non-renewals for the state they are operating in. For example, in Louisiana, if you have been with your homeowners insurance company for 3 years, they can't drop you. In Florida your homeowners insurance company can drop or cancel you but they must meet the minimum notification timeframes.

Are snowmobiles covered on your Homeowners insurance policy?

depending on you insurance company... I know my snowmobiles are covered on my homeowners

Do you have to insure your home for more than the mortgage balance?

To the insurance company, your mortgage balance has no impact on how much insurance coverage you need for your home. Homeowners insurance is based on the replacement/reconstruction cost of your home.

Where can you get homeowners insurance for a home that has had a fire?

If the fire damage has been repaired, you can get homeowners insurance from any company of your choosing.

Do you have to have your house inspected to get homeowners insurance?

The insurance company reserves that right.

Can Non driver homeowners insurance be on a drivers auto insurance?

Homeowners insurance is separate from auto insurance. You may get a discount if you buy both from the same company.

Can you purchase insurance on a straight talk phone?

If you buy your phone from Walmart they do offer a replacement plan that is something like insurance. You might also check with your insurance company that provides your auto or homeowners insurance as many companies are willing to provide coverage.

Hard to insure homeowner's insurance?

Hard to insure homeowners insurance could mean that you have poor credit or represent high risk to a homeowners insurance company.

What types of homeowners insurance does the company Chubb offer?

Standard home insurance and valuables insurance are two of the different types of homeowners insurance available to customers that are offered from Chubb.

Can your insurance company raise your homeowners deductible without you consent?

it depends on the company

What companies sell homeowners insurance in FL?

None of the major insurance companies sell homeowners insurance in Florida. The state has made a mess in the insurance market and now the state run company citizens is reaping off homeowners.

Can a mortgage bank or company cancel your homeowners insurance with a private company?

What do you mean "private company" If you have HO insurance the bank can not canel it. Only you can.