

Best Answer

Check the following...............

1. Freon levels.

2. Clutch to hub air gap.

3. Pressure switch.

4. A/C controller.

5. A/C clutch wire harness

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Q: Gmc SUV ac not blowing cool?
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You may need to have your AC charged

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the compressor is not running. Check your breakers.

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They do this when the unit gets low on refridgerent. Which is r134-a.

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No the out side fan is for venting heat away fromt he unit.

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Well, its a hard quiestion, but to be truthful, there is no cure haha

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please i need a help my ac keep blowing bhot and cool i have check and refill it but i still get the hot and cool air in stead off cool air

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you may be low on freon and jsut need a good charge of R134a

Why isn't your 2000 GMC sonoma ac cool but wont get cold?

Check the pressure on the low side of your ac it should be between 28 and 38 PSI, you are likely low on refrigerant

Why is the ac not blowing the cool air?

Most likely. You just need add Freon. Real easy an cheap fix. If your Freon is full and your AC still not working. Probably gonna be your AC pump. That's not a cheap fix.

2004 Yukon XL and two of the ac vents are blowing hot air while the others are blowing cool air what does that mean?

There may be a stuck vent door or an issue with the heater blower control head.