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Nowhere unless propelled and then in the direction it is propelled.

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Q: General direction in which something tends to moves?
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A general direction something tends to move?

This question needs to be more specific because if left like this it is more a physics question.

What is a general direction something tends to move?

Objects tend to move from higher to lower energy states, following the path of least resistance. This is known as the principle of least action.

A general directionin which something tends to move?

In a straight line. From the center to the outside of a circle.

Why fire moves up in direction?

Fire moves upward due to the natural convection process. As the fire heats the surrounding air, it becomes less dense and rises, creating a flow of air upwards. This convection current carries the flames and heat upwards, which is why fire tends to move in an upward direction.

Is it possible to hear if lightning is headed your way or not?

Sound generally travels in all direction, just like the waves formed when you drop something in a pool of water. But it tends to be more severe in the direction the source travels.

Weather in the middle latitudes tends to move in what general direction?

Weather in the middle latitudes tends to move from west to east due to the westerly winds that dominate this region. This is known as the prevailing westerlies, which are responsible for the movement of weather systems across the middle latitudes.

Are there reviews available for General Electric ovens?

Consumer reports is the traditional source for product reviews. If you are looking for something more contemporary, tends to have a wide variety of reviews and should have something on the particular model you are looking at.

What direction do tornadoes travel in the southern hemisphere?

Their direction of movement tends to be toward the west, while almost all of them rotate clockwise.

When you step shore from a rowing boat it tends to leave the shore?

This is an example of 'action' and 'reaction'. Every 'action', like stepping out of the boat on to the shore causes an equal and opposite 'reaction', as the boat moves in the opposite direction. This is also how rockets move in the vacuum of space.

How many type of inertia?

There are three types of inertia: inertia of rest (object at rest tends to stay at rest), inertia of motion (object in motion tends to stay in motion), and inertia of direction (object resists changes in its direction of motion).

Which group tends to be negatively affected by eminent domain laws?

The general public is the group that tends to be negatively affected by eminent domain laws.

What is the only way to change the direction of an object?

"An object in motion tends to stay in motion and an object at rest tends to stay at rest unless acted upon by an external force." -Newton's First LawTo change the direction of an object simply apply an external force to it.