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tell me where to find the cigarette light fuse

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Q: Fuse for 97 f-150 cigarette lighter?
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Fuse # 16 is a 20 amp fuse for the cigarette lighter

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( # 27 ) is a 15 amp fuse for the cigarette lighter in a 1997 Mercury Mystique ( under the dash )

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There is no 1997 Impala.

What amp fuse should be used in a 97 cavalier for the cigarette lighter?

A 1997 Cavalier uses a 15 amp fuse for the cigarette lighter / horn. The fuse box door has a diagram that will show you where the fuse belongs and the proper amperage.

Which fuse is for the cigarette lighter in a 97 Ford Contour?

If its the same as a 96, its the top row rt. fuse 15amp. Marty

What is the fuse number for the cigarette lighter on a 97 Honda Civic EX?

27, under the dash panel.

Where is the fuse for the cigarette lighter in a 1994 Pontiac Grand Prix?

On my 97, its in the fuse panel at the end of the dash. Open drivers door to get to the panel.

I have a 2002 Lincoln Continental and both the cigarette lighter and auxiliary phone charger radar detector outlets went out. The owner's manual is generic. Which fuse should I check?

If it is the ashtray cigarette lighter, it would be the number 14 fuse which is a 15 amp fuse. This is true only if the set up for the '02 model is the same as for the '97. I have an 02 continental. I can't figure out the fuse for the center consul's cigarette lighter and phone aux fuse number either. But for the cigarette lighter by the ashtray, it's fuse #14 and uses 20A.

What fuse number is the cigarette lighter in a 97 Ford Mustang Is it inside fuse box or under hood?

Answer:The cigarette lighter fuse on a 1997 Ford Mustang is a ATO20 (20amp) yellow blade- style fuse which is located under the hood on the right front (passenger side) area. the twenty amp fuse for a 97 ford mustang is located in the fuse box under the hood and behind the battery on the drivers side. It is the second slot from the drivers side fender.

Where is the fuse for cigarette lighter in 97 BMW z3?

Under the hood, far left, little black box with lid, right by the positive terminal

Where is the cigarette lighter fuse located on a 97 jetta gls?

hey dude look at the fuse box on the ends you will see a white clip on both ends pull them out and lift the fuse box and pull it will allow the fuse box to come out. On the top of the fuse box you will see the blown fuse for the cigarette lighter. It will be the white 15 amp in the middle of three. Replace the fuse, carefully re-seat the fuse panel and clip it back in.

Where is the fuse on a 97 explorer for cig lighter?

In the fuse panel on the drivers end of the dash ( the fuse panel cover is visible with the drivers door open ) It is fuse # 17 - 25 amp - for cigar lighter