It is from the Old French and means "I am ready."
You can say "nous sommes prêts" in French to mean "we are ready."
Bonesaw is always ready
I'm not ready is 'je ne suis pas prêt / prête' in French.
Ready to wear is "prêt à porter" in French.
You can say "nous sommes prêts" in French to express "we are ready."
'Come on I'm ready!' In French is 'Allez(AL-AY) jesuis(JA-SWA)ecouter(AY-KOO-TAY) That is how you say 'Com on, I'm ready' in French.
Pret, as in pret-a-porte, ready to wear
King Henry later tells the French ambassador that he is not ready to fight.
men are always ready
Always in french is toujours.
always ready always there