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yes try to plunge it

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Q: Every time flushing toilet after use it won't go down is there something wrong with it?
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Can a toilet become unable to flush because of age?

Age isn't reason for toilet not flushing. Several things could be wrong for toilet not flushing.

What is wrong with the toilet if it is flushing dirty water and there is dirty water in the tank?

Probably nothing wrong with the toilet. It is more likely that your pipes are full of rust or mineral deposits.

What could be wrong with a basement toilet if you have to use a plunger every time you flush it even with clean water even after you ran a snake from the top and bottom after removing the toilet?

Either the toilet is plugged or the sewer line under the toilet is plugged. At this point I would suggest calling in an expert (plumber) to determine the problem. You have not given enough information to say. Sounds like you do not have enough water pressure coming in to wash the waste away. Check out the holes under the lip of the toilet seat to see if they are blocked, causing you to get an inefficient flush. Our new toilet is much better at flushing with lesser amounts of water.

What is wrong if the toilet gurgles but there is no apparant clog and the septic was pumped recently and there is no septic smell and the toilet doesn't always flush all the waste?

There may be something that is partially blocking the drain.

You are almost 17 and only get your period once a year is there something wrong?

Yes something is wrong. You are suppose to have a normal period every month.

Is it something wrong when you get your period every 21 days?

No, if that is normal for you then you are fine. If you all of a sudden went from 28 days to 21 then something is wrong.

How do you fix a toilet?

That depends on what is wrong with it.

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Can you be forced to provide fingerprints?

if you did something wrong..then yeah the authorities have every right. If you haven't done anything wrong then can appeal

What to do when your your toliet can't flush?

look in the tank and see if the flapper is working when turning the handle or then use a plunger or buy a toilet snake they are cheap. If you have kids or etc then maybe something jammed in the trap and if you can't get it out then take out the toilet and snake it backwards. If your toilet don't flush but the drains of other fixtures work fine then its something wrong with your toilet most cases. More information is actually needed to give a proper answer

What could cause occasional overflow of toilet with septic tank?

wrong stuff placed in the toilet

How is a rose like truth?

it is cause every spring someone confesses to something they did wrong.