There is no fuel getting to the combustion chamber. Things to check: clogged fuel filter; crimped fuel line; carburetor settings; obstruction in fuel tank.
you use the key that you start the engine with
It means that there is something wrong with the engine and not the battery
you lose power and the engine dies... you lose power and the engine dies... Or you go no where very quickly! (for pictures of blown seals go to )
Diagnosis: Engine Won't Start or RunCheck related link below
No, it is not. But a piano tuner is. If a car's tuning is not good, the engine dies quickly, and does not remain on. It can be fixed by an auto-mechanic.
Unblock the exhaust pipe, start it up and go.
You should probably get that checked by a mechanic.
what is the problem if a Chevy diesil engine start and run 30 minuits died and start right up again
The problem could be the absence of fuel or spark. If you floor the accelerator and the engine dies quickly, that's a fuel problem. Black smoke from the pipe when the engine stops is an indication of lack of spark or fuel.
Your idel speed my be set too low.
car dies when running then hard to start ,if it will start