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Q: E-claims and O-claims which exclude one class from another?
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For what reasons might a school exclude a pupil?

Schools can exclude a pupil for being disruptive in class or being disrespectful, such as peeing on another pupil. Contact your school to learn more about their policies.

Is every class in java is subclass of itself?

A class can be a subclass of another class, not of itself.A class can be a subclass of another class, not of itself.A class can be a subclass of another class, not of itself.A class can be a subclass of another class, not of itself.

What is another name for upper class?

another name for upper class 4 letters

Interface can be defined inside another class?

yes ,interface can be defined inside another class

Can class be the child of another class?

Of course. ALL classes in Java are the child of another class. Even ones which don't appear to be, actually are a child of the master Object class.

What is another word for high-class?

Luxury, Upper Class.

What is another word for first in your graduating class?

first class

What is an adaptee?

An adaptee is a software class which is converted to another class via an adapter class.

How many raliway stations does Poland has?

there is 100 RAILWAY STATIONS of the highest class and 1004 RAILWAY STATIONS of middle size, the figures exclude small-sized RS and stops.

When a class inherits from another class what is being extended?

When a derived class inherits from a base class, the base class functionality is being extended.

Which keyword is used to declare a class?

There is no keyword for it. You can use a variable of 1 class in another only id the other class is derived from the 1st class.Although you can use the variable of an object of a class in another class using object.variable

The Java keyword is used to declare a class as a subclass of another class?

class MyClass extends AnotherClass {}