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Q: During engine operation the total distance that a valve opens is called the?
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During engine operation the total distance a valve opens is called the?


Does a diesel engine produce carbon monoxide during operation?

Yes, a diesel engine does produce carbon monoxide during operation.

During which stage of engine operation does the burning mixture of air and fuel force the piston downward?

This is during "combustion" which is the "power" stage of the operation.

The upper face of a piston assembly is called?

The upper face of a piston assembly is called the crown or piston crown. It is the top surface of the piston that comes into contact with the combustion gases during the engine's operation.

How do the Viscous properties of engine oils protect the engine during all stages of operation?

Simply by reducing friction and dispersing heat.

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Have vehicle scanned to determine the problem

Is a 1995 acura integra 1.8 an interference or non-interference engine?

It is an interference engine, timing belt breaks during engine operation and the valves are going to hit the pistons.

What is the cause of oil flow through the dipstick gauge during operation a td27 engine of Nissan?

cracked rings

During what stage of engine operation does the piston move upward in the cylinder and force the burned?

During the power stroke stage of engine operation, the piston moves upward in the cylinder to force the burned air-fuel mixture out of the combustion chamber. This upward movement generates mechanical energy that is transferred to the crankshaft to produce the engine's power.

What is the purpose of a radiator fan?

A radiator fan is used to help cool the engine by blowing air across the radiator, which dissipates the heat generated by the engine. This prevents the engine from overheating during operation.

How is the operation of oil pressure warning lamp during the engine is in running condition?

try to make sense next time