most definently cromey domey nipples. punch me in the mouth holy poo on chest
if you mean rake a dump on it sure where do you live
it urinates on its opponents face and then takes a dump on there chest
December 16th, 1773, He helped dump 342 chest of tea into the Boston harbor!
Take a dump on his chest.
They stole women from other pirate ships and then took a dump on the mens chest.
this is best answered in the form of a scientific proof. dump, stains, chest, pungeont cheese.
Woah woah woah. I'm sorry but I think he is just into you for your chest. I say dump him.
I think there are. i took a dump on one the other day. i tried to pick it up and eat it after doing my business but i decided to let it crawl back to its failed family so he can go take a dump on his daughters chest.
A dump truck is simply a truck with a dump body - it could be a side dump, belly dump, or end dump. An end dump dumps out of the rear. "End dump" is generally used to refer to tractor-trailer end dumps, while single vehicle end dumps are generally just referred to as "dump trucks".
Girls love it when guys who are celebrating their birthdays, take them to secluded spots for a makeout sesh, and then pretend you are going to have sex with her, but instead, take a dump on her chest.
Dump is the correct spelling.
Harry did dump Taylor