There is approximately 250 miles between Niagara falls, New York and Cooperstown, New York. The drive would take about 4 and a half hours.
It is 4 h 3 min (249.2 mi) via I-90 W
Google Maps estimates the driving time as 4.5 hours.
The driving distance from Mississauga, ON, Canada to Niagara Falls, NY, is 70.2mi / 113km
The driving distance between Buffalo, NY and Niagara Falls, NY is about 20 miles
The driving distance from Windsor, Canada to Niagara Falls, Canada is 231 miles / 372 km
Type your answer here... distance from niagara falls to harrisburg PA
The driving distance is about 1,760km.
The driving distance is about 20 miles.
237 miles.
The driving distance between Gaithersburg, Maryland and Niagara Falls, New York is approximately 370 miles.
The driving distance is about 415 miles.