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If an excluded operator wrecks a car that is covered by the policy excluding that driver there is no coverage on that policy. Your only hope is in filing the claim with the company that insures the driver for his own car. It is possible that you won't be left holding the bag on this one but good advise is to not let an excluded person drive your vehicle.

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Q: Driver excluded on your policy but carries insurance on own car totals your car will either one pay?
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Does every licensed driver in a household require that they be on the same auto insurance pollicy?

Not necessarily. But all household members must be disclosed to the insurance company, and from there they either must be included or excluded. I would recommend everyone go on the same policy, that way you take advantage of multi-car, multi driver discounts.

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Under the terms of your Insurance Contract, All licensed drivers in your household and all drivers that have access to your vehicle are required to be declared either as a covered driver or not. If not, then you can request they be excluded from coverage on your policy by way of form 515A. Failure to disclose a licensed driver in your home is a violation of the terms of your Insurance Contract and can result in voidance of all coverage. Bare in mind that once excluded the driver will have no coverage under your policy for any accident if they do for some reason drive the vehicle.

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You must either have a driver's license or be insured under a licensed driver's insurance. If you are a minor, your parents can add you to their car insurance.

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Because watercraft is usually covered by your home or renter's insurance. The trailer can either be included on your home insurance or on your auto insurance but you must have the trailer listed on your auto policy in order for it to be covered there.

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You either are a horrible driver or you didn't pay your bill. Or something else..

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full cover insurance

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Liability Insurance.

If in an at fault accident and you have no insurance and there is no injurys to either party and no police come and make a report what should the uninsured driver expect in California or any state?

The uninsured driver, assuming they are at fault, can expect to be pursued civilly by either the other driver's insurance company or the other driver. The uninsured motorist can be sued for damages and any other expenses incurred as a result of the accident, including court costs.

What if your daughter has a car accident with your car?

This is actually a pretty complicated question. If you have insurance and your daughter is on your policy, you are covered. No worries. If you have insurance and your daughter has her own insurance, you are covered. If you have insurance and your daughter has no insurance, is not on your policy, and isn't part of your household, you are probably OK. Insurance will accept her as an alternate driver. If you have insurance and your daughter has no insurance and no license, you most likely have a rider on your insurance policy that says she is not a covered driver. You may be screwed. Depending on the state you live in, you may still have minimum liability and the other coverages may be void. If you have no insurance and your daughter doesn't either, you are screwed. The other driver and their insurance company will sue her (as driver) and you (as registered owner) and you are each jointly liable for the full amount of damage. With no insurance company to negotiate for you, you will be paying till it hurts.

What happens if two people get into an accident and one driver has a suspended license and the other driver has no auto insurance and the accident was caused by the person with no insurance?

Good luck getting any relief from the damages caused by the driver with no insurance since you were on the road without a license. Given the circumstances, you cannot file a police report. If the other driver offers cash, take it. Your insurance certainly won't pay either. I suppose you might park the remains of your car and start riding the bus or bike until your suspension ends.

If you are a passenger in an uninsured driver's vehicle does that mean that you are not covered either if he has an accident?

If you mean are your medical bills covered -- and assuming your state requires medical coverage on auto insurance policies -- then, no, you wouldn't be covered by any policy of the driver's since, of course, no policy exists. However, if you have your own auto policy, that policy would then become primary. After that, your health insurance would be primary. Unfortunately for the uninsured driver, if you do have to go through your own health insurance, there's a big possibility that they will go after the driver for any payments they make, particularly if a driver is legally required to carry auto insurance in your state (again, insurance that included medical coverage).

What are the penalties under Missouri state law to a driver who does not have automobile insurance?

Immediately upon being pulled over and failing to show proof of insurance, the driver is given a ticket. Then one of three things will occur. Either the court will send the conviction to be entered into the drivers record, they will enter an order of supervision, or the driver's licence will be suspended.