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You have to get an individual policy for each car you have. If you want to cover two cars, you need to get insurance separately for each of them.

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Q: Does your insurance cover a second vehicle when you are still keeping the old one?
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The second vehicle will be covered by it's own insurance. That company will then attempt to sue the driver to recoup it's losses

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No, Your homeowners insurance does not cover vehicle damage. That's what auto insurance is for.

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Your homeowners insurance will cover your garage door subject to your deductible since it is part of your house. Your Home insurance does not cover damage to a vehicle though. That's what Auto insurance is for. Your friend will need to contact his auto insurance to fix his vehicle.

Will homeowner's insurance cover a vehicle accident for the passenger injured?

NO, that's what the vehicle insurance is for.

What happens if you wreck a car that you dont insure?

If the vehicle has insurance it will cover damage to the other vehicle but not the one you are driving. Now if you have insurance on another vehicle your insurance will cover the damage to the vehicle that you where driving even though it is not on your policy.

Does full coverage insurance cover any damages to our first vehicle if hit by our second vehicle driven by spouse?

yes it would if you are under the same insures

Does home insurance cover vehicle damage from roof tiles?

NO, Homeowners insurance does not cover automobiles.

Will your auto insurance cover you if the vehicle you are driving has no insurance?

Umm... No... If your car has no insurance then then it doesn't have anyone to cover it... That's why you need insurance...

Does homeowners insurance cover stolen uninsured vehicle?

It depends, You do no mention what type of vehicle. Homeowners insurance polices will not cover damage or theft of a motor vehicle designed for use on public roads.

Will insurance cover damage to a vehicle that was backed into a pole?

As long as you have collision yes insurance will cover the damage that was done.