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Auto Rentals and Auto Insurance Coverage

Usually your standard lines car insurance policy does transfer when you rent a car.

Limited lines policies generally DO NOT transfer to a rental car.

It is always best to check with your auto insurance agent first, before you rent a car and assume you have coverage and to also find out if you have any applicable deductibles.

An example I can give you is that when we vacationed in Hawaii and rented scooters, our auto owners insurance would not cover us because we were in the state of Hawaii, which had some type of exclusion. So, is best to check with your agent before you rent your transportation.

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Q: Does your car insurance policy transfer when you rent a car?
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Can you transfer car insurance companies and cars?

You can apply for Car insurance with a new company, But you can't transfer your existing policy to another company

Could you get car insurance with no car?

Not without insurable interest in a car. If you do not have a car, you do not need to have insurance. If you rent a car, you can get insurance for the rental, but that is a temporary policy. If you have permission to drive the car, you should be insured under the policy of the person from whom you borrowed the car.

Can you transfer insurance to rental car?

Some auto insurance policies transfer to rental cars, and some do not. You need to ask your insurance agent about the details of your insurance policy, and the specifics of coverage while you are driving a rental car.

Will my car insurance cover a rental car if i sell my car?

Insurance covers the car identified in the insurance policy. You could ask if they could transfer your insurance policy to the rental car. it depends... is that the only car on the policy? if so, then no once u have no more vehicles.. you can no longer have car insurance. you no longer have an insurable interest in the vehicle. But if you have car insurance on a vehicle and you have the right coverage (OPCF 27) then your auto insurance will cover the insurance portion of your rental, assuming u have collision and comprehensive on that policy.

Can I transfer a car insurance policy from one car to another car. If so how do you do that?

Yes, you can but there is a charge of £98 + VAT but it also depends on your insureance type and who your insurance is with

Had an accident which was not your fault can you still rent a car through your insurance?

That depends on the text of your insurance policy. Whatever it says in it, is what you're covered for.

If you buy a used car while using Hartford Auto Insurance will your insurance transfer and what happens to the insurance for the old car?

auto insurance is generally specific to a vehicle. You can retain your policy and any benefits which you can transfer to another vehicle and cancel the old policy or retain the policy until your old vehicle is sold. As always check with your insurance company after all they do want to retain you as a customer.

Why Should I Buy insurance Policy for a Used Car?

Nowadays, the demand for used cars has grown in leaps in Malaysia. Car insurance plays a major role in buying a used car. If you are also purchasing a used car, then you need to understand the insurance policy terms and conditions of the used car. When you buy a used car in Malaysia, there are certain things you should know to purchase insurance for your car. For examples:- Check Insurance Papers Transfer insurance policy ownership Buy a new insurance policy if previous owner does not have one

Can your dad rent a car and add you to the policy if im under 21 years old?

?Normally to drive a rental car you need to have your name as a driver with the company you rent from. Insurance is a secondary issue.

Is it possible to have your name on your parents insurance policy if the car loan and the registration are in your name?

This is not a good idea. You need your own insurance policy. There are coverages you do not have by being on your parents policy. You want to be a "named insured". This means that you control the policy and not your parents. If you want to loan your car to anyone you can, if you are on your parents policy you cannot do this. Also if you need to rent a car, you are not covered under your parents policy to do this. You would be under your own policy. Contact your insurance agent for a better explanation.

What is the usual price for car rental insurance and do I have to have it through my insurance company or does the car rental place offer it?

It's possible that your credit card may offer free or discounted rental car insurance if you rent the car with their card. Before purchasing rental insurance you should call up your agent or check your policy to make sure that your insurance is sufficient. If you rent a car that's substantially more valuable than the car your policy covers then you may need it, but there's usually no reason to pay more than a few dollars per day. Check your policy and your credit card company first The usual price, to average it is about 10 dollars. The rental insurance is bought through the rental agency and does not go through your insurance. The price of the insurance varies between rental companies and the age of the renter. Some regular insurance companies offer autmatic rental car insruance that will cover you when you decide to rent a vehicle from a rent a car facility

Can you drive a car which has no insurance policy but you have a insurance policy on another car?

Depends on the state and your insurance policy. call your local agent.