Yes on both accounts. The full name of the company is Unitrin Direct Auto and Home Insurance. You may want to talk to your agent regarding package deals!
Unitrin Direct is a company that offers auto insurance and home insurance to the public at competitive rates. To get a quote, you can go to the Unitrin website.
Unitrin Direct is an online auto insurance broker that is licensed in 18 states in the USA. They do not employ agents and offer all their products directly.
There are several companies that offer bundles for auto and homeowners insurance. These companies include Wells Fargo, Nationwide, All State, and Travelers.
Safeauto is an insurance company that only writes personal auto insurance. Usually what they write is what is called non-standard auto insurance. They don't offer homeowners insurance as far as I know.
Unitrin Direct is an auto insurance company that sells directly to consumers, not through insurance agents. It was established many years ago but only established a web presence in 1999.
Some major companies that offer homeowners insurance include Amica Insurance, USAA Property and Casualty, and Auto-Owners Insurance. Some of the worst homeowners insurance companies include Allstate, Farmers, and Metlife.
The 21st Century insurance company offers a variety of insurances for any need. They offer auto insurance, renters and homeowners, and flood insurance.
Unitrin is now known as Kemper Specialty Insurance. Some ways to receive discounts with Kemper include to have a dual policy of auto and home insurance and adjust the deductible amount.
Ameriprise not only offers automobile insurance, but they also offer homeowners insurance. Their rates vary depending on the policy that you are searching for.
Homeowners insurance is separate from auto insurance. You may get a discount if you buy both from the same company.
GAP insurance is normally offered to you when you buy a car. If it was purchased at all, that is up to you. If you do not have it then you can find someone else that offers it. A few insurance carriers offer this as part of their plan. Progressive and Unitrin offer that with their auto insurance policies.
Auto insurance.