Probably not; we would use the word "windscreen's" to make it possessive, as in some object that belonged to the windscreen. "Windscreens" without an apostrophe would mean that you are making the word plural, as in "more than one windscreen".
Auto Windscreens ended in 2011.
Auto Windscreens's population is 1,042.
Auto Windscreens's population is 2,011.
Auto Windscreens was created on 1971-05-20.
No, the word "holidays" does not have an apostrophe.
there is no apostrophe
There is no contraction for the word apostrophe. It's is a contraction of it is or it has.
No, the word "skittles" does not have an apostrophe in a sentence. An apostrophe is typically used to show possession or contraction, which is not the case for the word "skittles."
No, the word "that" does not require an apostrophe to show possession. The possessive form of "that" is simply "that's."
The word o'er is an apostrophe of omission. It left out the v in over.
No, the word "sees" does not require an apostrophe. The apostrophe is used to show possession or omission of letters, not for pluralizing verbs.
Yes, won't has an apostrophe. It is a contraction for will not.