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There is no such thing as learner insurance. Any vehicle you wish to drive must be insured if mandated by law in your State, Province, etc.

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Q: Does the car you want to drive with learner insurance on it need to be insured elsewhere before you can drive it?
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Do you need insurance with a learner's permit?

Yes. All cars on the road have to be insured. If you have a learners permit, then you need to be driving with someone who does have their license and is insured.

What happens to insurance when beneficiary dies before insured person?

generally nothing. Insured person can name another beneficiary.

Is SIR insurance?

"SIR" is short-hand for "Self Insured Retention" which is very similar to a "deductible". Basically, it is the amount that the insured must pay before the insurance policy is triggered.

Do you have to have insurance on a car before you can change owners?

A vehicle can be titled without insurance, but must be insured before getting a tag or registration. Exception: If a car still has a lien from a financing company, the car may have to be insured to change owners.

If a beneficiary of a life insurance policy dies before the insured what happens to the money once the insured dies?

Goes to the beneficiaries heir's or estate.

What is contingent owner on life insurance policy?

The new owner of a life insurance policy if the original owner dies before the insured.

Can an insurance co give you insurance without a license?

yes in my state i had to get insurance before i could get my license back Yes, Every State requires you have an insured vehicle before before you can even take the driving test to get your license.

Who receives the benefits or money from a life insurance policy upon the death of the insured?

The beneficiary designated on the policy application is the recipient. Usually, a secondary ("contingent") beneficiary is also named in the event that the primary beneficiary dies before the insured. The estate of the deceased can also be the beneficiary if it is named as such or if there are no named beneficiaries or if all of them die before the insured. In that event, the insurance proceeds become a part of the estate and are distributed according to the insured's Last Will and Testament. If the insured dies without a Will, the estate, including the insurance proceeds, pass according to state law according to the laws of intestate succession.

Is it possible to sell a term insurance policy before the insured dies?

Yes it is. Generally the insured needs to be over 50. The older they are the higher the value. I can help you get offers. 4LifeGuild

If beneficary dies before the insured does surviving spouse have rights?

If the beneficiary of a life insurance policy predeceases the insured, the insured should make arrangements to name a new beneficiary. If they do not, the policy proceeds will become part of their estate if they die without naming a new beneficiary. You should consult with the insurance company.

Is hypertension a pre-existing condition?

If it was diagnosed or if the insured otherwise had notice of it before making the application for insurance, yes.

How do you find out if a Contractor has a Liability Insurance in FL?

Generally you just ask the contractor if he's insured, before hiring them.