it will overheat and pressure will open the cap allowing fluid loss which the air will evaporate
Why is the electric coolant fan in your 1989 Oldsmobile cutlass cierra not working?
Keep the engine coolant or antifreeze from rising above its operational temperature.
Coolant fan
The coolant fan may have a blown fuse. The electric motor, on the coolant fan may be not working. The ground wire on the cooling fan may be corroded or loose.
There are a handful of possiblilities. T-stat is one, too weak of antifreeze, leak/low coolant, internal plugging, cooling fan not working off the top of my head.
Need more info. Engine coolant fan? HVAC fan? What year? What model?
Low coolant? Cooling fan not working? Thermostat not opening? Water pump not circulating coolant?
bad fan or bad fan relay
Low coolant? Cooling fan not working?
Low coolant? Cooling fan not working? Radiator restricted or plugged? Water pump not circulating coolant? Defective radiator cap? Low coolant? Cooling fan not working? Radiator restricted or plugged? Water pump not circulating coolant? Defective radiator cap?
the coolant is low, or the radiator fan switch is not working
Lack of coolant, faulty thermostat, radiator fan not working...