The A/C is driven by a compressor, which is turned by a belt attached to the engine.
It cuts in via a clutch, controlled by the climate controls in the car.
Whilst it is operational (clutched in) it puts an extra load on the engine. (the belt becomes harder to turn).
Any load on an engine, will require more fuel to run it.
It can reduce gas mileage by up to 5 MPG.
So for a compact car giving 35 MPG, it will reduce to 30 MPG
yes, because the ac runs off the engine and puts more stress on your engine and has to work harder.(work hard waste gas)
There is no set amount of gas that is used to warm up a car. Different cars use different amounts of gas.
no myth-busters did a review on it and you use more fuel with windows down then you do using the AC. AC uses the same amount of gas as running with the windows up and ac off At speeds below about 30mph it is better on fuel mileage to drive with the windows down. Above 30, the drag from the open windows makews it more economical to run the ac and roll up the windows.
The car seats because of the extra energy it needs for the AC compressor work
assuming this is in your car, yes, you will use more gas with the a/c on than you would with it off.
The ac pump may be seized up.
You fill the car with gas, you use up all the gas, then you fill it up again!
the ac in the car cools, the fact you have set a higher temperature than the ambient tempereature means that the car's heater is working and so is the ac, if you wish to heat up your car, turn the ac off.
They have a smaller engine therefore they use up less gas
If you keep an almost empty gas tank, residue can build up and clog up your gas tank. Other than that, a parked car doesn't use gas, unless your car is left idleing, (with an almost empty tank). Then, the gas stays in the back part of the tank and the gas could'nt get to the carburator, so the car would, in effect, run out off gas.
Use a Ac/Delco PF61