it thins as its molecules spread apart and increase the volume of oil and as matter can neither be created nor be destroyed, it just expands and becomes thin
when you oil gets hot it tends to thin out. Say your using 5w-30 and when the engine gets warm it knocks it means either the oil is to thin or oil is not getting to that component. next oil chenge try using the lucas oil stablizer and see what it does. It should solve the problem but remember lucas oil oil stablizer takes the place of one quart of oil.
You need to have the oil pressure checked. It could be a worn engine or thin oil causing that.
at what temperature does motorcycle oil suppose to get hot
I think "crawling oil" is oil in a pan that "crawls" away from the hot center of the pan when it gets really hot.
normal oil gets thin when hot
The pressure will rise and the oil can thin.The purpose of the out door section of a residential a/c system is to condense gas into a liquid my means of cooling the gas.
yes when gets to hot or is put to close to fire
The engine will seize and lock up way before it gets hot enough to turn oil to ash.
Oil may have dripped on exhaust manifold, which gets very hot when the engine is running and burns off the oil, causing smoke.
Oil is a liquid that can be thick or thin.
you have a bad head gasket
It helps to cool the steel which, if it gets to hot, will soften and loose its edge.