Yes. It covers you no matter where you are as long as you are paid up for your coverage and it is an active policy.
If your relatives have insurance, then yes.
Not in Connecticut, nor in any other state.
If an insurance code of 989 is shown on a police report car accident who does that person have car insurance with?
no and i think it is aligill
By car it takes about 43-48 minutes.
Normally, an insurer will require that all requirements of the law be complied with in order to issue a policy. This would include proper registration of the vehicle. will have rate information in CT.
not possible
If your primary residence is in NC, you should hold a NC driver's license.
Depending on where you live, it could be anywhere from $678 to over $3000 (it also depends on how much your insurance will cover, if you have any insurance).
About 5 hours & 20 min.
You can get a quote for car insurance in Connecticut online at websites such as Prac and The General. You can also contact your local Allstate, GEICO, or Progressive agency to receive a quote as well.