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Each insurance company is different, some i know will cover any pipe underground if its located within the footprint of your home, if its outside the home they may cover if its a specific peril such as rupture, if its just old and breaks then no this you will have to pay for. More information is needed to asses your situation

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Q: Does homeowners insurance cover underground water pipes?
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Does homeowners insurance cover broken underground sewer pipes?

Yes it normally does.

Does homeowners insurance cover sprinkler system?

Your homeowners insurance should cover damage to your sprinkler system if the cause of the damage is covered by your homeowners insurance policy such as fire, lightning, freezing of pipes, etc. Homeowners insurance is not a maintenance policy and will not cover mechanical failure of your system.

Will homeowner's mortgage insurance pay for failing drainage pipes under foundation?

Mortgage InsuranceNo, Mortgage Insurance is NOT Homeowners Insurance. Mortgage Insurance does not cover your home at all.Mortgage Insurance covers your finance note, not your home.

Does homeowner's insurance cover drainage pipes that are 50 years old and need to be replaced?

No, I'm afraid not. Homeowners insurance is for sudden unexpected losses that result from covered perils such as Fire, Wind, Hail, etc. Homeowners insurance never provides coverage for routine expected maintenance issues nor for upgrades.

Who is responsible if A tree limb fell during a storm uprooted sewer pipes on your property will your insurance cover it?

No one is "Responsible" for an act of nature. However, So Long as you have "Windstorm Coverage' your Homeowners Insurance Policy should cover the damage to your plumbing and may provide coverage for the trees removal. Contact Your Insurance Agent to determine if you have the applicable coverage.

Does insurance cover damage caused by bursting pipes?

Heck Yeah UNLESS your policy does not cover it

Why are galvanized pipes a reason for your homeowners insurance to cancel on you?

Galvanized pipes are no longer used for home plumbing purposes. If you home still have galvanized pipes in you home then it indicates that your plumbing has likely never been updated.

If underground valves in a sprinklerr system burst and caused a lot of cracking in the walls will the insurance comapny pay for the cosmetic work to repair the walls and a soil test?

Most homeowner's insurance policies cover damage caused by burst pipes, including repairs to walls. However, coverage may vary, and it's essential to verify with your insurance company what is included in your policy. A soil test may not be covered under standard policies unless it is directly related to the damage caused by the burst pipes.

Can you buy insurance for underground sewer pipes?

Yes you can, but it will cost you much much more than the average home insurance policy.Best Option would be to have purchased an HO3 or an Ho5 policy ALL Risk aka, Broad coverage policy. If the damage has already occurred, then it would be too late to switch as it would be considered pre-existing damage under the new policy.

Does homeowner cse insurance cover cracked sewer pipes?

Water and coffee spilt on laptop computer is that covered

Does homeowners insurance cover cooper pipe leaks in cement?

Sorry but this is not a covered cause. It is more like maintenance. I remember a big issue with contractors using galvanized pipes going through concrete slab foundations. The chemicals in cement tends to dissolve galvanized pipe and if I remember correctly the contractors had to make payment on the damages. Homeowners insurance covers sudden and accidental damages that happened due to a covered cause such as fire, windstorm, vandalism, etc.

Will home owners ins cover the underground pipes if they start to leak?

If the underground pipe, presumably the main sewage or main water line is leaking due to age, traffic or ground movement, then this is generally considered an owners maintenance issue and would not be covered under your Homeowners Insurance Policy. It's no different than if your toilet or sink got blocked up or sprang a leak.It's probably just time to call a good plumber for a service or repair call.If your home is a recent build or fairly new you may still have a Builders or Home Warranty in effect that could provide coverage.Your Homeowners Insurance Policy typically provides Property Hazard insurance that covers certain sudden losses resulting from covered perils such as fire, lightning, wind, hail, theft, vandalism, etc.