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Q: Does homeowners insurance cover theft if your policy lapsed?
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Does a standard homeowners insurance policy cover the death of the insurer?

No, Homeowners Insurance does not provide the coverage of a life insurance policy.

Will homeowners insurance cover university student?

A homeowners insurance policy will cover the interests of the named insured on the policy. It does not matter if the insured is a student or not.

Does homeowners cover a murder of a person on the policy?

Homeowners insurance does not generally cover the murder of a person listed on the policy. For that, you need life insurance.

Does homeowners insurance cover sprinkler system?

Your homeowners insurance should cover damage to your sprinkler system if the cause of the damage is covered by your homeowners insurance policy such as fire, lightning, freezing of pipes, etc. Homeowners insurance is not a maintenance policy and will not cover mechanical failure of your system.

Does homeowners insurance cover demolition?

Yes. That is covered on a homeowners policy.

What does homeowners insurance cover?

The basic structure of a homeowners policy looks like this:

Does homeowners insurance cover a vehicle if it got hailed on while on the property?

No. Homeowners Insurance does not cover Hail damage to an Automobile.Hail damage to an automobile is covered by the vehicles Auto insurance policy. Vehicles are not scheduled property on a homeowners policy.

Does homeowners insurance cover a home business?

Homeowners insurance typically does not cover a home business. Additional insurance, such as a business owner's policy or a commercial insurance policy, may be needed to protect a home-based business.

What does home owner insurance not cover?

There are millions of things that a homeowners insurance policy does not cover. To find out what it does cover just read your policy, anything not on there is not covered.

Can homeowners insurance cover a new heater if faulty?

No, but if you have a home warranty policy that policy may cover it.

Does homeowners insurance cover losses a friend incurred from being robbed inside the home?

No. Your friend is most likely not a named insured on your homeowners insurance policy. Your homeowners insurance policy is specific to you and your property. It would also not cover the losses of a tenant.

Will Homeowners insurance reimburse for mortgage during renovation?

NO, your homeowners policy will cover 'additional living expenses' but will not cover your mortgage.