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No, When you rent your home out to someone your Homeowners Insurance Policy is automatically null and void whether or not you have notified your insurer.

If you have become a landlord you need to purchase landlords insurance for your property. This is done by obtaining a Dwelling Policy with a rental dwelling endorsement.

Just contact your insurance agent and he can help you place the right coverage for your tenant occupied property.

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Q: Does homeowners insurance cover if it is being rented?
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Pests, Insects, fumigation and bug spraying are part of a property owners usual and expected maintenance costs. Homeowners insurance does not cover maintenance.

Are rental homes protected under homeowners insurance policies?

No. In the united States, Homeowners Insurance polices are Null and Void at the moment your home is rented unless you have had the policy endorsed for rental property coverage. This is often referred to as "Landlords Insurance" and requires a different policy form known a "Dwelling Policy". Most Insurers will simply cancel the old Homeowners policy and issue a new "Dwelling Policy" form to cover you as this is the appropriate policy form. Your landlord's insurance policy, or "Dwelling Policy" will cover your rented home. It is certainly possible to have property and liability insurance on a rented property but not on a traditional homeowners Insurance policy form.

Does homeowners insurance cover foreclosure?

No. Homeowners Insurance does not cover the owners default on a mortgage note.

Does homeowners insurance cover losses a friend incurred from being robbed inside the home?

No. Your friend is most likely not a named insured on your homeowners insurance policy. Your homeowners insurance policy is specific to you and your property. It would also not cover the losses of a tenant.

Does homeowners insurance cover your animal being attacked?

No, that's what pet insurance is for. you can however sue the attacker.

Does homeowners insurance cover your child damaging the neighbors vehicle?

No, Your homeowners insurance does not cover vehicle damage. That's what auto insurance is for.

Does homeowners insurance cover sprinkler system?

Your homeowners insurance should cover damage to your sprinkler system if the cause of the damage is covered by your homeowners insurance policy such as fire, lightning, freezing of pipes, etc. Homeowners insurance is not a maintenance policy and will not cover mechanical failure of your system.

Does homeowners insurance cover your mortgage if you are laid off?

No. This is not what homeowners insurance is for. Homeowners insurance is to pay for physical damage to your home and contents.

Does homeowners insurance cover hospital from a car accident?

No, Homeowners insurance is for the house. it does not cover cars or car accident claims.

Will homeowners cover tire theft?

Homeowners insurance does not cover automobile nor there parts.

Does homeowners' liability insurance cover personal injury on another property?

No, your Homeowners Insurance will not. Your Medical Insurance Will.

Does my homeowners insurance cover a neighbors dog attacking my dog?

Not usually. The neighbor's homeowners insurance would cover it underneath their liability insurance.