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Generally an issue like this is not a covered loss on a homeowners insurance. The reason for this is that it is a maintenance issue that should have been fixed by the homeowner before damage occurred. Now if a storm occurred and a tree branch broke the skylight and then because of the storm rain came into the home. In the second case the cause was windstorm. Windstorm is a covered cause on a homeowners policy and therefore not only will the skylight be fixed but also the damage caused by the water coming into the home and whatever damage was caused by this. Most issues that are covered under a homeowners policy and ones that are "sudden and accidental". A lack of maintenance type of damage is usually something that happens over a period of time.

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Q: Does homeowners insurance cover damage from leaking skylight?
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The insurance company will cover the damage caused by the water only, e.g., drying out the ceiling and floor covering. They will then pay to repair the room; damaged walls and floors. If the skylight leaked due to hail damage or other falling objects, the insurance will pay to replace the skylight.

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Homeowners Insurance?

form_title=Homeowners Insurance form_header=Protect one of your most important assets with homeowners insurance. Get the homeowners coverage options to suit your life. Do you already own homeowners insurance?= () Yes () No Does your current homeowners insurance cover flood damage?= () Yes () No () Don't have homeowners insurance Are individual items in your house, such as your TV, covered by homeowners insurance?= () Yes () No () Not Applicable Are you looking to get homeowners insurance or update your current insurance?= () Get Insurance () Update Insurance

Does homeowners insurance cover a vehicle if it got hailed on while on the property?

No. Homeowners Insurance does not cover Hail damage to an Automobile.Hail damage to an automobile is covered by the vehicles Auto insurance policy. Vehicles are not scheduled property on a homeowners policy.

Does homeowners insurance cover hail damage to your car in the driveway?

No, Homeowners Insurance covers houses.Auto insurance covers cars.Answerno, autos are not covered under the homeowners - contact auto comprehensive insurer