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If the contractor owned up to doing anything wrong they would lose there license very fast verses using the courts or state board to take it , what protection does a homeowner have when "we the people" hire some jackleg who is running around with a good con on how great he and his work is. The question I think is does our homeowners policy cover the damage done by a jackleg who did bad work. This is more and more becoming a huge issue in an america that no longer tests class A contractors for there knowledge of how to do the work. Instead they test for business skills and taxes and employees verses testing for what knowledge they have of actually doing something without your home falling down.

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βˆ™ 8y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago
Contractors Liability

The contractors General Liability Insurance Policy will cover damages resulting from bad workmanship. You need to call the contractor that provided the service to you.

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Q: Does homeowners insurance cover a bad contractor faulty work?
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No, but if you have a home warranty policy that policy may cover it.

Will homeowners insurance pay for structural damage caused by a contractor or sue the contractor on my behalf?

HO insurance policies are typically all risk and as such would cover such loss

Does homeowner's insurance cover a contractor working on my property and has an accident?

No, Your homeowners Insurance does not provide coverage hired workers. A contractor is responsible for his own insurance policy or workman's compensation to cover injuries to himself and his employees. A contractor is not your employee and therefore not your responsibility, he is self employed.

Does homeowners insurance cover replacement of faulty gutters that cause water to go into basement?

No, if the gutters were not installed correctly.

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Homeowners insurance covers many things, but not faulty construction or damage caused by deferred maintenance. You will have to check with your insurance company to see if the problem and its cause are covered.

Does homeowners insurance cover foreclosure?

No. Homeowners Insurance does not cover the owners default on a mortgage note.

Does homeowners cover work done by a contractor that has resulted in water damage and cover the expense of getting the job redone and the water damage?

Contractors LiabilityThe contractors General Liability Insurance policy will cover damage resulting from faulty workmanship. You need to call the contractor.AnswerDepends on the policy. There are different levels of coverage available. All risk policies would cover the damage by water, but not fixing the contractor improper construction, and would then go after the contractor insurance for reimbursement. Named Peril policies, lower level coverage, wouldn't cover any of it.Jack from Northeast Pa

Will homeowners insurance cover damages caused by structural defects?

No. If your house been built fairly recently, then the contractor who built your house may be lible for damages. If he is a licensed contractor, then he will (should!) be bonded, which should cover the damages.

Does homeowner insurance cover a contractors mistake?

The contractor should be bonded and carry liability insurance and you need to require proof of this before they start. Homeowners insurance is not meant to guarantee work on homes.

Does homeowners insurance cover your child damaging the neighbors vehicle?

No, Your homeowners insurance does not cover vehicle damage. That's what auto insurance is for.

Will homeowners insurance cover contractor leaving job unfinished or fraud?

no it won't. homeowners insurance needs to meet the definition of an "occurrence" to trigger coverage - an uncompleted job doesn't trigger the homeowners policy. contact better business bureau and attorney general (if fraud is involved)

Does homeowners insurance cover sprinkler system?

Your homeowners insurance should cover damage to your sprinkler system if the cause of the damage is covered by your homeowners insurance policy such as fire, lightning, freezing of pipes, etc. Homeowners insurance is not a maintenance policy and will not cover mechanical failure of your system.