No, That's just a result of our lifestyle or our choice of pets.
Damages from our pets are considered to be a normal and expected result of pet ownership.
Damages to our home and property by our choice of pets are never considered a covered peril under a homeowners insurance policy.
Do you mean 'can'? Yes. Chickens are eaten by them in the wild all the time, and many owners feed theirs chicks and chickens, zebra finches (though I don't know how because they're so expensive), and others.
if no one had teeth your food would have to be half eaten for you then fed to you...aren't you happy you have
They are important because they are like doctors for the animals/dog's Without out them they wouldn't know what to do to make there dog feel better if it is sick or has eaten something it shouldn't have
HAVE eaten is correct where as HAD eaten is not.
some animals have to hunt for their food and on the other hand they have to be eaten to make other animals food
To have 'eaten' is the past participle of the verb to eat. Eaten needs the auxiliary verb to have.Have you eaten? Yes, I have eaten.
Sign of caring and trust towards the ownerAnswer:Sentimentality aside, young dogs lick their mothers to induce her to throw up food she has already eaten. It is more easily digested by their immature digestive system. Adult dogs continue to o this to their owners in hope that the owners will give them something to eat (hopefully a prepared treat).
its the cats way of showing love th their owners, i have had many cats in my life time, and i had 1 that would bring me partly eaten birds, when your cat does this, pet them and thank them, and calmly despose of the item they brought you, if you freak out ot panic, they take that as a sign of rejection
For plural subjects use have. egWe have eaten the cake. The policemen have eaten the cake. Have they eaten the cake?For singular subjects use has. egShe has eaten the cake. The policeman has eaten the cake. Has she eaten the cake?
In the eater-eaten relationship, the eater is the one doing the eating, while the eaten is the one being consumed or eaten.