Neither homeowner's insurance will probably cover property stolen from a car. Homeowner's insurance usually only covers stuff stolen from your home. However, the automobile insurance policy might cover it.
Yes under personal property/contents
No, Your home insurance policy is specific to the named insured(s) property and contents if covered.
No, It is the schools choice to obtain coverage for losses from theft on school property or not. Your homeowners insurance would not cover the losses of another party.
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Ordinarily, no. Contents coverage is intended to cover the loss or damage to property kept within your home. The property is generally considered to be household furnishings and similar personalty.
No, Homeowners insurance does not cover damages to your automobile. Your home insurance policy is property insurance for the specified structures and real property listed on the policy. Cars are not listed as covered property on your home insurance policy, that's what auto insurance is for.
The property is covered by the owners insurance only. If your trailer hit their property, their own insurance must cover it. If your trailer hits your own building, then your insurance will cover it.
Yes, in most homeowners insurance cases, the property of a visitor is covered. Also, it can cover any injuries that a visitor suffers.
It will likely cover up to $200. Good Luck.
Your home renters insurance will cover you for loss or damage to the property which you own and which is kept within your rental property. Any damage to the actual structure of the building would be covered by the landlord's insurance.
It is a home you are buying to rent out, and you are only wanting insurance to cover the property not items