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Q: Does everyone on title have to be insured?
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What can happen in case of an accident if a car was insured without title?

title has no effect. insurance takes precedent.

Can a totaled motorcycle be insured again?

yes it is called a salvaged title

Is it possible to have a car title in your name but have it insured under your parents policy?


If you purchased property and the survey was incorrect by 25 acres what does the title insurance do?

The title insurance company is liable for the legal description that was insured at market value/amount of your policy

Why was the fair deal given that particular title?

It was fair to everyone.

If a car title lists two names do both people need to be insured if there is only one driver?

Only the driver. When there are 2 names on the title, it's usually because someone helped cosign.

What is a creative title for an essay on MacBeth's Ambition in the play?

EVERYONE DIES. Oh... Spoiler alert. Everyone dies.

Your son gave you a truck as a gift you are on the title vehicle is insured and registered in your name He is in default on his loan Can the bank repossess your vehicle?

If there is a loan against the car then the bank is on the title and they own the car, your name would be on the registration but not on the title, so yes they can repo it. If you have the actual title in hand then their is no loan on it and you own the car.

Can i have a car and title under my name and be added to my fiance's insurance policy without the car legally becoming his?

yes, the insurance policy is different from the car title (title is government, insurance is business) in most states, if you live together, you are both required to be insured on the car.

Your friend sold you his car take over paymentsHe took the car off his insurance you insured the car and then totaled it but you are not on the title Will your insurance company pay for it?

As long as you have the title that he signed off of it and you signed on and you have insurance on the vehicle it will be covered.

What is the primary purpose of HIPAA Title Insurance Reform?

Is to provide continous insurance coverage for workers and thier insured dependents when they change or loose jobs.

Insured vs Insured Professional Liability?

The insured and the insured professional are one and the same.