My Dollar General does carry small cans, not the ones that come with the hose, just the can. They are kept behind the front counter at my local store. If you don't see them on the shelf, ask a cashier.
dose doler general seel rc cars
R134a is the only freon for cars after 1994. Earlier cars can be retrofitted to R134a.
No, Toys 'R' Us does not sell Little Tykes electric cars but they do carry many other Little Tykes products and some accessories for electric cars in general.
Freon for your cars air conditioner
Freon gas? Mostly r134a.
Freon for your cars air conditioner
Opel cars are known for their fuel saving engines and transmissions. They are basically the General Motors equivalent in Europe, a solid, if not spectacular vehicle.
depemds on the car as how much freon it will hold. some cars have a tag saying how much freon the car is filled with. Too much freon is just as bad as not enough freon.
There is many different types of Freon. If the freon that you are trying to use is R-22 then you have to have a EPA certification to handle that freon. This freon is considered ozone depleteing. Now there is freon out there that is not ozone depleting like the freon in cars made after 1993. That is called R-134a which is sold everywhere even in Wal-Mart.
Trains carry automobiles in special cars designed to haul them. The cars are referred to as auto racks.
you use freon to cool your car and make the air conditioner work