Lock down as in safety shut off, no. If oil pressure fails, the engine will fail.
When a water pump fails in a vehicle, the water stops circulating and the engine will not be cooled. Therefore it will get hot and overheat.
fuel filter is part of the fuel pump and is in the gas tank . only needs replacing when pump fails
leave the cap off the pump let it idle turn the wheel lock to lock
To fix vapor lock on a 2003 Dodge Stratus, locate the fuel pressure sensor near the fuel pump. There is a button on the side to release pressure. Push on the button, then try to start the vehicle.
yhe fuel pump in a 2000 dodge stratus is under the fuel tank. in order to change it u will need to take down the tank.
lower the tank down and remove plastic shroud over pump and then remove the lock ring and replace pump.
Diesel, 15,000 miles or once a year.Gasoline, no service interval. Change when the fuel pump fails.Diesel, 15,000 miles or once a year.Gasoline, no service interval. Change when the fuel pump fails.
you have to drop the tank down and pull it out of tank
Down in the oil pan, at the bottom of the engine block.
fuel tank has to come down it's inside.
sometimes the pump that flows engine coolent into the engine fails and it ri=uns hott that's just one of many possible reasons