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yes it pays a portion under med pay.

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Q: Does car insurance pay funeral costs if you die in an accident?
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Where can I inquire anything about car insurance in Illinois?

Pip is a package that you can purchase with your existing car insurance that will cover the cost in case you get into a accident. It covers medical, hospital and funeral costs for you and/or the other person involved in the accident.

What exactly is swinton car insurance?

"Like any other car insurance, Swinton car insurance offers insurance on cars so that if you get into a car accident, you have the insurance to cover you in costs."

If an unisured driver has an accident in your car will your insurance still cover it?

Probably. When you purchase insurance, you are insuring the car. If you drive someone else's car and have an accident, their insurance should cover the costs (but their insurance *may* sue your insurance company for compensation/reimbursement.)

What can you do if your insurance is cancelled the same day you get in an accident and total your car?

Depends on when it was cancelled. Before or after the accident? When did you get the cancellation notice? If you were cancelled before, then obviously you were uninsured. If the accident was your fault, then any costs are yours alone and not the insurance company's.

Is the owner of a car liable if the person driving has a fatal accident?

Yes, he is liable if the person driving has a fatal accident. His insurance allows him to cover people that drive his car with his permission. If that person wrecks his car and dies, the insurance would pay the funeral expenses and give the actual cash value for the car minus the deductible.

What can raise your car insurance costs?

Multiple, and/or constant accidents can increase car insurance costs.

What does one do to buy car insurance?

One needs car insurance to protect ones financial and medical costs should an accident occur. Vehicle repairs can be costly as can medical costs. The person at fault will need to pay the bills of anyone else involved in the incident.

Does homeowners insurance cover hospital from a car accident?

No, Homeowners insurance is for the house. it does not cover cars or car accident claims.

If someone is driving your vehicle which is covered with collision and has and accident and is at fault are you responsible for all damages and costs or will their insurance cover it?

== == == == Car insurance follows the car. If someone was injured they can go after the driver if they weren't the owner of the vehicle.

Car accident bill health or car insurance?

Car insurance and possibly health insurance if the car insurance does no cover the entire bill.

How can I get liability car insurance?

To get liability car insurance, you can contact insurance companies or agents, provide your personal information and details about your car, choose the coverage limits you want, and then pay the premium. Liability insurance helps cover costs if you're at fault in an accident that causes injury or damage to others.

What kind of insurance is CAA travel insurance?

CAA travel insurance is coverage for unexpected expenses incurred while one is traveling. Expenses such as medical, accident, baggage and rental car costs can be included.