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If you have comprehensive insurance, yes. Odds are however a decently priced windshield shouldn't be too much higher or is more than likely lower than your deductible, which you would have to come up with on such a claim. It is probably in your best interest to pay for a replacement windshield yourself.

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Q: Does car insurance cover cracked windshields?
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If you have full coverage on your car then it will cover a windshield crack. Sometime they will claim it as normal wear and tear on a vehicle but if you can prove that it was from vandalism or hail etc then you should covered.

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NO, That's what car insurance is for.

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Do you have car insurance? Yours will cover it. Your friend if he is a true friend, will cover the deductible.

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Your own car insurance will only cover a rental car in some cases. It will depend on your current insurance plan. Either way, you can take out insurance for the rental car.

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It may depend on the specific policy. Some home owners insurance policies may cover damage to a cracked sewer line within the foundation if it was caused by a covered peril, such as a sudden burst pipe. However, it's important to review the details of your policy and contact your insurance provider for clarification.

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Car insurance and possibly health insurance if the car insurance does no cover the entire bill.

Where can I get my cracked windshield repaired?

There are many places that replace windshields. You may consider calling your insurance company and seeing if its covered and if so, where they suggest. If you still are paying on your car and got it from a dealer, they may replace them. There are also local glass places that will come out to your house and replace them onsite.