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no, antifreeze is engine coolant a/c uses different refrigerent in a sealed unit, works like a refrigerator

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Q: Does antifreeze level effect air conditioner temperature?
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How does the air conditioner cycles on and off to maintain the desired temperature in a room?

The air conditioner cycles on when the temperature in the room rises above the desired level, and off when it reaches the desired temperature. This is controlled by a thermostat that senses the room temperature and signals the air conditioner to turn on or off accordingly.

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What would cause The temperature indicator on your neon keeps cycling from hot to cold?

check antifreeze level

Added antifreeze to surge tank on 2000 Alero now antifreeze leaks from back of engine only sometimes?

When running the air conditioner, there might be a small leak of fluid on the 2000 Alero after it is parked. This is normal as it is only the overflow valve being released. Always check the antifreeze level before operating the vehicle in the summer to prevent low antifreeze warnings.

What will be the effect of lower water level in boiler?

Effect of low water level in the boiler is rapid increase the temperature of the metal tubes, causing a collapse or rupture.

Why your temperature needle going up an down when you drive on the freeway and then at 55mph up stay mostly down?

Check your antifreeze level.

Why does an air conditioner must cycle on and off to keep the room cooled to a preset temperature?

An air conditioner cycles on and off to maintain the temperature set on the thermostat. When the room reaches the desired temperature, the air conditioner switches off to prevent overcooling. As the room warms up, the air conditioner cycles on again to bring the temperature back down to the set level, thus regulating the temperature effectively.

What will the effect of the lower water level in the boiler?

Effect of low water level in the boiler is rapid increase the temperature of the metal tubes, causing a collapse or rupture.

How can you find out if you have an antifreeze leak?

Pressure test the cooling system Monitor antifreeze level

What is sleep mode in air conditioners?

Once this setting is activated the air conditioner will gradually increase the temperature during your sleep time. This slight increase in temperature will not affect your comfort level due to the natural effects that sleeping has on the body, but it will save on the energy consumption of the unit, in effect lowering your power bill with regular use.

Effect of temperature on fermi level?

The Fermi level starts to change location when temperature reaches 300K as a room temperature and Fermi level will getting close to conduction band or valence band depending on energy band gap determines.

How does elevation above sea level effect temperature?

The higher the elevation, the colder it gets.