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Not necessarily, Sometimes they will and sometimes they will not. It all depends on the circumstance, your coverage options and the company.

If you mean to say that your child was an injured passenger in an accident then any personal injury coverage would extend to your child passenger.

If your unlicensed minor child took your vehicle without your knowledge and had an accident and the child is not an excluded driver and you do not have a limited lines or a named driver policy, and the child was not involved in the commission of a crime, then most likely it will be covered.

If your child is licensed or permitted and you failed to schedule them on your policy as a covered driver to avoid paying the additional premium then the company could deny the claim based on your concealment of a known risk. This would basically be a form of insurance fraud. Insurance companies are not required to pay claims that result from fraud.

This type of situation varies depending on the actual circumstances and the type of coverage you purchased as well as the internal operating policies of the insurance company you chose for coverage. Some companies do not require you schedule a young driver while they are still on a learners permit while other companies do require the permitted driver be scheduled.

The best advice would be to simply call your insurance agent and ask about your options in this situation. Your Insurance Agent will be most familiar with the companies operations and coverage schedules. If you are using a direct insurer with no insurance agent to advocate for you then you will just be at the mercy of the 800 number telephone representative.

In any event, whether your insurance policy covers the accident or not, The Parent or other Legal Guardian will be financially liable for any losses due to Parental Responsibility laws.

It's always best to schedule all drivers for proper coverage.

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Q: Does an insurance company have to cover the child of one of its customers in an auto accident?
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This varies by state law. Ask your insurance company.

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Unfortunately, Yes. Call the company or your agent and see what you can do to add the child now.

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