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Q: Does airlock prevent you from putting gas in your car?
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Why does a Car jerks after putting in gas?

Water in the gas

What does the airlock device do?

An airlock device is used for a container that holds gas. This device allows for the gasses to pass our of a container and not into a gas container. It is a safety mechanism and is used mostly on gas containers.

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What are the release dates for The Car Coach - 2011 Putting the Cost of Gas Into Perspective?

The Car Coach - 2011 Putting the Cost of Gas Into Perspective was released on: USA: 15 November 2012

What is the gas cap on a car?

The gas cap can prevent vandals from siphoning out (stealing) your gas if you have the type with a lock.

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Should I airtight or airlock my grape wine I have read some recipes online which shows that you can airtight for 21 days and airlock as well what should I do or which is better airlock or airtight?

I would think airtight is wrong for wines. The yeast produce gases. If the gas has no way to escape, the airtight bottle might rupture. For that reason, I would go with airlock.

Can ebt food card be used for putting gas in your car?

It is for the purchase of food. Period.

How can you prevent poisonous gas?

Don't leave your car on OR wear a mask.

What happens when you leave a car on when your putting in gas?

It continues to burn gas. I imagine if you added gas slow enough it would just never fill up.