It all depends on they type of machine. Alignment machines can range between 10,000 to 15,000 dollars.
By Ed Wilkerson!
That requires a front end alignment machine to do that.
wheel balance is when the wheel is removed from the vehicle and balnced on a wheel balancing machine. an alignment is done with the vehichle as a whole and ur camber and tow is adjusted and aligned
You have to take it to a wheel alignment place. Has to be aligned at all 4 wheels, needs special equipment to do that.
depending on the type of car, it could be a sign that the alignment is out, or simply the drag link needs adjusting as on some trucks. if it is not a truck, it will probably need to be on an alignment machine to correct it
unless you have a 40,000 4 wheel alignment machine with a calibrated heads and a pro to do it, no offence with no tools a knowledge of aliglinmeny your car will be all over the road pulling to one side and your tires will be worn in 1 monyh
You might have a tire problem, but it probably needs a wheel alignment.
A car's steering wheel will vibrate when driving if the car's alignment needs to be adjusted.
It's hard to say specificially, but it probably needs a wheel alignment.
you can use a tape measurer and measure center to center to set the tow caster and camber need to be aligned with a machine and your steering wheel will probably not be centered or shell out the 60$ and have it done professionally and they can set all 4 things
It depends on the vehicle and what adjustments need done. On a newer alignment machine the angles can be measured in under ten minutes. Adjustments will vary up to a hour or two.