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Not usually, unless specified by management. The security deposit is held to cover any damages, above normal wear and tear, that takes place during the time you live there.

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Q: Does a security deposit covers the rent for the first month when moving into an apartment?
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Related questions

How long should it take before you get your deposit back after moving out of an apartment?

the deposite is always in the reach of the manger of an apartment property

If a tenant changes her mind 3 days before moving in is she entitled to her security deposit back?

No. You can keep the security deposit because you could not seek another renter while you were holding it for her.

How do you get your security deposit back after moving out of an apartment?

If you signed the contract, then you must abide the terms. If it clearly states that you do not get your deposit back, then there is nothing you can do. You might be able to work out a deal with the landlord to clean your own house/apartment to his satisfaction and then get the money back - they make deals like that all the time.

How are security deposits refunded when one of the tenants remains at the apartment and the other is moving out?

usually the security is refunded at the end of the lease term. If one tenant moves out before the end of the lease, he'll have to wait until the end to get his security back. If the lease is up and one tenant moves out and the other one stays, the initial security payment should be refunded then and the tenant who stays should sign a new lease and put up a new security deposit.

Can an apartment complex charge you more damage fees upon moving out after they have already charged a non refundable fee?

Yes, a landlord can charge you to repair any and all damage that you caused, even if you paid an applicaiton fee or cleaning fee, or even if the among of damage exceeds your security deposit.

Need solutions to get grit out of grout?

I'm moving out of my apartment at the end of the month and need to do a thorough cleaning so that my landlord doesn't take any money out of my security deposit. The grout in my bathroom is pretty disgusting and needs a good cleaning. What products and tools can I use to clean all of the grit out of the grout?

What do when a roomate moves tells you shes moving on two weeks?

Consider holding half her security deposit and get ads out looking for new roommates

How do you get your parents to let you move to Hollywood?

You wait until you are 18, have saved up enough money to pay the first month's rent and a deposit on a Hollywood apartment, and then let them know that you will be moving to Hollywood.

What are your rights as landlord if no lease regarding security?

Basically speaking, whether there is a least written or not, if you, the landlord, accept a security deposit, you are obliged to return the deposit to tenant within 30 days of his moving out of the property. If the tenant has violated the terms of the agreements - they should be in writing - between the two of you, you have the right to keep the security deposit but you must write a letter to the tenant explaining why. The tenant has the right to take the matter to court if he feels the reason is unjust.

Can a landlord deduct from your security deposit to have the carpets cleaned after 2 years?

Um if you mean 2 years after you left then that is a definite. Now if your still staying in the apartment then that's completely different. While theoretically the deposit is for moving out costs if some part of the apartment is damaged then yes the landlord can take it out of your deposit. Now this is only the case if the tenant has some how damaged or stained the carpet beyond the standard wear and tear. If not then your landlord is suppose to wait until after you move out to make those kind of deductions. There may be a clause in your lease regarding the carpet cleaning however. you may want to check that. has some useful resources and tenant rental applications and check list. If your still unsure.

Can a landlord send you a bill after you move out?

Yes. I landlord can send you a bill after you move out. If you paid a security deposit when you moved in those funds are put towards and damages that were not "normal wear and tear". If the security deposit did not cover the damages then the landlord can send you a bill for the difference. There is a loophole here that some landlords forget about. Within 30 days of moving out if your landlord is keeping your security deposit and sending you a bill he needs to send you a letter detailing the damages and the cost for repairs. The 30 days is the limit. If it was sent on day 31 then the landlord is out of luck.

I need to find a affordable apartment moving company to me from Webster, Texas to Galveston, Texas. Are there any companies in the 77598 zip code that does moving?

I am moving from Webster TX to Galveston and am looking for an affordable apartment moving company in the Dallas area.